Hi Michelle, thank you for posting. I googled your name and saw your movie. From what I gather, your last chemo treatment was on October 8th 2019 and you haven’t received any traditional treatment since (7 months)? You are in good hands with Dr Bonni Goldstein. She has more hands on experience with medical cannabis than just about any doctor out there (unfortunately, there aren’t many). Based on your blogs & movie, my only recommendation would be to add a bit of CBD to your THC regimen, as it has been proven that when combined they have synergistic effects. I would recommend CBD from Care By Design which you are already familiar with. In addition, I would up the dose of THC to 1 gram per day if you can. Do it little by little so you can acclimate to the euphoric effects, and use the CA125 blood tests to monitor the results.
One final recommendation — you might want to experiment with vaginal cannabis suppositories so you can target the cannabinoids on a localized basis. In addition, you will be able to take in larger amounts of THC without the excessive high. By now you know that when you swallow THC, it goes through your liver which turns into THC11 which 4–5 times more psychoactive than THC9. When you use a suppository you avoid that. Again, you can tract the progress via the CA125 test. Included is a link to an article from Project CBD on this subject. https://www.projectcbd.org/medicine/do-cannabis-suppositories-work
I wish you the best of luck and please keep me informed.